ICEDIP is a creative process that I came across this week that I had never heard of before. It covers the phases of the creative process.

Where you generate ideas

Where you define goals and assess risk.

Where you evaluate the different ideas and decide on the best one(s) to proceed with.

Where you turn your potential ideas into a single solution.

A period to step away from the idea to let improvements or new ideas come naturally over time, letting the subconscious understand and play with the solution.

Where we actually work on the solution

I already use a process similar when problem-solving that I had not considered before learning about ICEDIP, knowing more about what I am doing and classifying the phases will only help improve my understanding of being creative, so If I ever become stuck or if I face challenges that I struggle to break down, I can work through this process to get the ball rolling and generate some solutions.

Having processes to help creativity are great and can guarantee more success than trying to create from nothing, but I always try to remember that ultimately it’s the solution that’s important, not the process at which you arrive at it. A process can help a lot because they help us manage our thought processes and allow us to explain to others our ideas in ways that help inform others of our understandings, however, if inspiration strikes, it’s not something we have to keep to 100%, just a guide. But I feel it’s important to remember and understand these processes to be truely creative as without knowing the rules, we cannot break them properly.

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